Sunday, November 11, 2012


Olivia came for a visit before Trick or Treating
This was the first year that Zoë actually got dressed up and went Trick or Treating.  Last year we were hanging out with my parents in Nashville before they flew back home, and the year before that she was 2 days old.  We wanted to avoid our house at all cost as we get a ton of kids in our neighborhood.  

We went to Sean and Sara's house and Zoë got to hang out with Gracie.  Just down the street from their house is Pumpkin Ally, they close the street off and lots of house participate.  I was a little worried that Z would be scared of all the costumes, as she saw the Cat in the Hat once and freaked and every time she sees WKU's mascot Big Red she get so scared I worry for her health.  She did great and only got scared of two people.  (In my proudest Mama voice)  The two people she got scared of you ask:  Mitt Romney and then she saw someone dressed up as a Robot and just said "Zoë scared of Robot"  but old Mitt totally freaked her out.  The Dad to the kid dressed up as Mitt asked him to take off the mask to calm her down.

Once we hit the road Z was a little confused and thought we were just going on a walk.  Then when she found out you get "candies" if you take your bucket up to houses she was so excited and we could not get to the next house fast enough.

We had a great time and next year I know we will have to go to more houses as we only ended up with a handful of candy.  At that time I was happy with that so Z would not eat so much candy, but the next day when I was digging though her candy and I did not have much to steal I was kind of sad.  Also we will need to pack the stroller with more wine, one glass was not even enough.

1 comment:

  1. She is right to be afraid of Mitt Romney! He's frightening.
