Friday, March 30, 2012

Big Girl Day!

Yesterday we had two exciting events.

  1. The first came at dinner when Zoë finally ate her Broccoli.  She loved it as a baby all smashed up but eating it whole she was not taking to it.  Last night she went to town. First she finished what was on her plate and then wanted a bit off Mama and Daddy's plates.  She also ate what was on her plate for lunch today!
  2. For the second time this week Z went pee pee on the potty!  She got a little chocolate after as a treat.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

17 months

This last month seem to take so long, I think it has to do with being home with Zoë everyday.  She is saying all kinds of new words each day.  Just about anything I ask her to repeat she gives it a try.  My new favorite is she says "Please" when she would like me to get or do something for her.  "Dude" and "Hey guys" she will just walk around saying.  When a Thunder storm came through a week ago, Z said "Dude" after some loud thunder.  Also in the middle of the day she came up and said "Basketball Please" it must be March Madness.

She has grown to really like wearing hats and goes in her room and digs through her hats to find the perfect one.  She still loves to wear skirts the more frills the better.  For some reason she walks backwards sometimes, it is very very funny.  When she backs onto the potty she starts about 5 feet away.  That reminds me, Z pee peed on the potty!  We have been talking about it for a while and I have been sitting her on it before bath each night.  When I would sit her on it she would only sit on it for a few seconds.  The other day it was just the same before bath, but then once in the bath she said she had to potty.  I put her on the potty and she sat there for about a minute and said "pee pee" Viola she had pee peed!  We cheered for her and then called grandma to tell her.

I thought of a new trick to help with brushing her teeth.  Most of the time to be able to brush Zoë's teeth we have to hold her tight while holding her hands.  On occasion letting her play with a toy or the toothpaste container would work.  So I let her brush my teeth while I brush hers.  This has worked perfectly for weeks now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sesame Street Live!

Heather and Tripp treated Zoë and I to Sesame Street Live today!

I tried to get Zoë pumped up before the show and we watched Sesame Street in the morning, but she was not to interested.  The show was at The SkyPac which is the brand spanking new performing arts center in town, and it is beautiful!  We showed up early for the "Play Zone" and got to dance in "Zoe's Dance studio", play in "Elmo's World", and hang out in a trash can with Oscar.  It was very packed and Zoë wanted to run and play on everything so she got a little upset when I had to carry her.

Zoë hanging with Zoe

We had great seats close to the stage.  Z did so good sitting on my lap watching the show, I was really impressed.  She was clapping, singing, and putting her arms in the air yelling with joy.  She got most excited with Abby Cadabby came on stage.  We had to leave shortly after the intermission, the show was much longer then expected and we were already well past lunch and nap.

Abby Cadabby
It was a blast and I am so happy we got to go!  An extra special Thank You to Heather Potter for inviting us.  I think Z may have more excitement when she watches The Street now.

So hard to get a good photo of a Toddler let alone two together

Z and I post show

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New favorite toddler entertainment

 I am always looking for good ideas to keep Zoë having fun, and me sane.  I blew up the air mattress the other day and the girls had a blast jumping, falling, and running on it.

Stickers are amazing!  Since Z is allergic to eggs we don't really have them in our home any more, so for easter instead of decorating eggs I got plastic eggs to put stickers on.  For easter we will still use them for an egg hunt with yummy treats inside!

Here in Kentucky and I guess most of the Midwest and South we are now in Summer.  It has been really hot!  I can't bring myself to turn on the AC it is just not right, not in March.  So we have been spending time outside playing in water.  With a new pool and a water table I set up Zoë gets soaked.

Growing up so fast

Zoë is almost 17 months old.  It amazes me how much she has changed since her first birthday.  She shows lots of affection, and I will have to say she gives the best hugs.  She is very funny!  The other day I asked her if she would like another animal cookie and she responded with "Hell Ya!" whoops not sure where she picked that up.  She loves to be outside and will say: "Ou sigh" then either go get her shoes or point to her feet and say: "shoes".  

Since the time change she takes a little longer to get to sleep for her nap.  Which is great for me since she will still sleep at least an hour and a half once she does finally fall asleep.  She does not cry for the 10-20 minutes before she falls asleep, but she sings, laughs, talks to her stuffed animals, and turns on her talking dog Violet.  I just eat my lunch and giggle listening to her.

Trying to put a rock in the Tulip

St. Patrick's Day Party!

We had a fun party to celebrate St. Patrick's day.  We had green jello in Leprechaun hats, which Z thought she would eat like a "Jello Shot".  Ellie came over and we played in the play room and played some outside.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Summer time in March

Best Friends

Water Table!

It's been in the 80's all week and yesterday after nap we got some outside play in with water.  Olivia drank most of it and Zoë made sure it was all stirred.  Both got completely soaked and both got very mad when we had to go inside to avoid the thunder storm.

A new ride

So the other day we checked out a Yard Sale up the street.  We ended up finding a two seat wagon!  It was $12 and Zoë loved it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

16 Months Old!

My sweet child is now 16 Month and is currently recovering from the Flu.

She knows lots of words now!
I do it
Hey - by far her favorite word still

Most of the words are pretty clear and I would say 80% could be understood by a stranger.  We are working on putting a couple words together.  Zoë has a lot of animal sounds down.  Her Favorite animal sound is Moo Moo, all animals made that sound for a while.  Zoë also knows most her body parts.  She loves to play outside with leafs, rock, and sticks.  Swinging is still her favorite at the park but the slide is creeping up since she can do almost the entire process on her own.  She runs pretty good and likes to jump, which is super cute to watch.   Singing, dancing, coloring, pretend napping, stacking blocks, and pushing her baby around also make her very happy.

Zoë is very sweet and kind, she will give affection on her own.  Just Yesterday she walked up to her buddy Olivia and gave her a big hug, and today she gave her a kiss all on her own accord.

I really have a hard time believing this beautiful sweet child is mine.

First Pancakes!  (Egg Free)

Planning trouble