Sunday, April 28, 2013

2 and a half

Our little girl is not so little any more.  She is constantly talking and singing.  She loves to take photos and play hide and seek.  She is doing great at using the potty to pee and poop.  When I call to her from another room she now says: "What Honey?"  She loves to cook in her kitchen and put her dolls to sleep.  She also likes to put Mommy to sleep.  It's funny because she will do everything I do for her bedtime routine.  "Shh, no more books.  Close eyes."

She refers to me as baby, honey, or Danah.

She can sing her ABC's but most of the time she just says QRSTUV, ABCDEFG, or Next time sing with me, over and over and over agian.  She can count to 10 great and even to 20 with a little help.  She can spell her name, and she knows all her colors and shapes.

She loves her friend Gracie and talks about her a lot and will say "Gracie my Best Friend".  When she is having trouble listening or when she wants me to stay a little longer cuddling or at bedtime she tells me I am her Best Friend.

She still has good and bad days at school and gets frustrated with her friends.  She does understand her behavior and that we should share and be gentle so I think we are close to her using her words more and her hands less when she is upset.
Self Portrait of her pink toes

She is getting really good at taking photos

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

This Easter season has brought out a new love for hunting easter eggs in Z.  I am pretty sure she could do it for hours and hours.  Derek's parents came up for the weekend.  We had planned to attend one of the local public egg hunts at the baseball field but when we drove by and 1 million people were standing in line waiting to get in we changed our minds.

Saturday night we planted "Magic" Jelly Beans in a pot on the front porch and left Zoë's basket out there for the Easter Bunny.

The next morning Zoë got out of her bed and came into our room.  This is a very first for her, she normally will call for me.  She was so excited to see what the Easter Bunny had brought her.

Next year I think I will wait until after breakfast to go get the basket.  Once she saw the peeps I could not get her to eat but two bites of oatmeal so she could have one.

We had another egg hunt in the front yard later in the day other then that it was a very relaxing day.

Here comes the sun

okay really this was a few weeks ago.  That is how long it takes me to upload photos.

Today was an amazingly beautiful day!  We started out getting some yummy coffee at Spencer's.  Then we headed to the farmers market.  We got some delicious Tomatoes, a very good salad mix, a biscuit for breakfast, an irish push pop filled with amazing ice cream for Zoë, and I broke down and got a dozen eggs.  I have not had eggs in the house in forever.  I have been craving them in the morning so I had to do it.  I will just hide and eat them away from Zoë.

When we got home we played in the back yard and cleaned it up a little.  Then we had our lunch picnic style back there, followed by some more playing.  We also got a little golf practicing in, Z just loves it!

We even got some seeds planted!