Wednesday, July 24, 2013

An amazing little traveler

The idea of flying with Zoë this year was still about as scary as the other two airplane trips we have taken.  Each had its own fears and challenges.  This year she was obviously a little older and potty trained.  Also this year we had a plane change and a pregnant mama doing it alone.  In the days leading up to the flight I had nightmares of her wetting through all her spare cloths and wearing the one and only pull-up I had packed through the Denver airport with no other cloths on and still only being at the halfway mark of our trip.

Initially I was going to put Z in the Ergo carrier going through the airport.  After some thought I decided to put her little backpack on that had a leash on it if I needed to use it.  Being 6 months pregnant I didn't really want to carry her and I figured her walking would burn a little energy before having to sit for so long.

The day before our flight we watched an episode of Caillou where he flys on a plane and gets some wings to pin on his shirt.  This was a huge help to keep Z in check for her behavior.  I told her she would get her own wings too if she was good on both flights.  She was so my Mom had a pair of wings waiting on her when we got to Portland.

We had a very early flight leaving Nashville at 6 am so we had to be on the freeway by 4 at the latest.  I had printed the boarding passes the day before, they were a little wonky but figured I would get new ones if I had to when checking in.  We got to the airport with not a ton of time to spare but no time to stop and smell any roses either.  When we checked our bags the boarding passes scanned just fine so we had a potty break and said bye to Daddy and got in the security line.  Z was doing pretty good but kept asking if it was our turn yet and telling the people in front of us to "GO!".  

When it was our turn it turns out that the boarding passes we had were not so good and we needed to print new ones.  {I about vomited}  The super nice lady at the security line lead us back through the line and helped us print the boarding passes then pushed us back through the security line and to the front the X-Ray scan line.  I love that lady!

Zoë was a little scared of the metal detector thing we had to walk through so I had to carry her.  We hurried to our gate and were the last people on board.  It was a full flight so we had to ask a guy to move so Z and I could sit next to each other.

Take off was her favorite part of the flight, well that and going to the bathroom.  On that first flight she was not to interested in much of the things I had packed for her, until she saw the chap stick.  Most of the flight was her holding a little mirror putting on chap stick.

In Denver we had enough time for the potty and to get a bit to eat and get me a much needed coffee before loading up again.  Once again we had a packed full flight.  Backing out of the gate Zoë tells me she needs to go potty.  I inform her unfortunately she will need to hold it for a little bit, which is the last thing I want to tell this girl who has only been potty trained for a few months.  It was not even 10,000 feet when she is grabbing herself and its a need to take care of immediately situation.  So if you have ever flown over the rockies it is not smooth sailing at all especially if you are taking off from Denver heading west.  It was a wild ride on the potty.  While in the potty to make sure we would not need to head back any time soon I asked her if she needed to poop.  She said "No" and I asked her if she was sure she did not need to potty.  And again she said no.  Well my friends not two minutes back in the seat and mind you we are not even suppose to be out of our seats at this time my little girl tells me she needs to poop.  At this point I am a little nervous about how this flight is going to turn out.  So I tell her she needs to wait just a moment, hoping we can get through some of these bumps.  But again we are at her grabbing herself so we once again we head to the bathroom, and once again it is a crazy ride.

When we got back to our seat she asked for her blanket and then fell right asleep and stayed asleep until we landed.  I was very thankful and proud of her.  I do however wish that I would have taken the opportunity to use the potty one of those two trips on the plane.  As I had to pee so bad and the urge started right when she was falling asleep and their was no way I was going to wake her up.

The flight back to Nashville went pretty good.  We had plenty of time to hang out in the Portland airport to eat lunch and play.  Once again we had a packed flight (boo).  We used the airplane potty twice and it came with no drama.  She colored and played on the iPhone most of the flight.  When we landed in Denver she did say she needed to use the potty and again I felt the anxiety in my throat as we were at the back of the plane.  We made it to the airport bathroom with no accident but my little sassy child then state she did not need to go.  The next two hours at the Denver airport was pretty much spent going to the bathroom.  Z had two visits with diarrhea and many trips saying she had to go then not wanting to try when we got into the stall.  This all sent me over the edge and I called Derek in tears telling him I had lost it and was not sure I could get on the plane, which is what a husband wants to hear of course in a situation that none of us could control at that point.  I put Z in her PJ's and the one pull-up I had and we boarded.  I started reading her a book when we were pulling out of the gate and she was asleep before I even finished it.  Once again she slept until we landed, I could not have been happier as any fits or bathroom issues on the plane could have sent me headed for the emergency exits.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bad Blogger

It has been a crazy summer to say the least.  Once school finished I had a week to get ready for our big trip to Oregon for 2 weeks.  We have been back in Kentucky for a month but it has been a busy month.  I have been working hard trying to get as much of Wyatt's (baby #2) room done before I have to go back to work in one week.  Also this month we have been hit hard with the lose of 3 people in our lives, which has really slowed both Derek and I down.  I will be returning to school this August too so it has been a lot of emails and paperwork to get everything together.  So my huge ToDo list for the summer has just a tiny dent in it.  So now that I am rolling into the Third Trimester of this pregnancy, going back to work, and taking an online class maybe just maybe I will get this blog up to date.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

2 and a half

Our little girl is not so little any more.  She is constantly talking and singing.  She loves to take photos and play hide and seek.  She is doing great at using the potty to pee and poop.  When I call to her from another room she now says: "What Honey?"  She loves to cook in her kitchen and put her dolls to sleep.  She also likes to put Mommy to sleep.  It's funny because she will do everything I do for her bedtime routine.  "Shh, no more books.  Close eyes."

She refers to me as baby, honey, or Danah.

She can sing her ABC's but most of the time she just says QRSTUV, ABCDEFG, or Next time sing with me, over and over and over agian.  She can count to 10 great and even to 20 with a little help.  She can spell her name, and she knows all her colors and shapes.

She loves her friend Gracie and talks about her a lot and will say "Gracie my Best Friend".  When she is having trouble listening or when she wants me to stay a little longer cuddling or at bedtime she tells me I am her Best Friend.

She still has good and bad days at school and gets frustrated with her friends.  She does understand her behavior and that we should share and be gentle so I think we are close to her using her words more and her hands less when she is upset.
Self Portrait of her pink toes

She is getting really good at taking photos

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

This Easter season has brought out a new love for hunting easter eggs in Z.  I am pretty sure she could do it for hours and hours.  Derek's parents came up for the weekend.  We had planned to attend one of the local public egg hunts at the baseball field but when we drove by and 1 million people were standing in line waiting to get in we changed our minds.

Saturday night we planted "Magic" Jelly Beans in a pot on the front porch and left Zoë's basket out there for the Easter Bunny.

The next morning Zoë got out of her bed and came into our room.  This is a very first for her, she normally will call for me.  She was so excited to see what the Easter Bunny had brought her.

Next year I think I will wait until after breakfast to go get the basket.  Once she saw the peeps I could not get her to eat but two bites of oatmeal so she could have one.

We had another egg hunt in the front yard later in the day other then that it was a very relaxing day.

Here comes the sun

okay really this was a few weeks ago.  That is how long it takes me to upload photos.

Today was an amazingly beautiful day!  We started out getting some yummy coffee at Spencer's.  Then we headed to the farmers market.  We got some delicious Tomatoes, a very good salad mix, a biscuit for breakfast, an irish push pop filled with amazing ice cream for Zoë, and I broke down and got a dozen eggs.  I have not had eggs in the house in forever.  I have been craving them in the morning so I had to do it.  I will just hide and eat them away from Zoë.

When we got home we played in the back yard and cleaned it up a little.  Then we had our lunch picnic style back there, followed by some more playing.  We also got a little golf practicing in, Z just loves it!

We even got some seeds planted!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Good Girl.

This week at school we have tried something different to help Zoë with a few issues she has been having.  She has been pushing and hitting her peers and not following directions very well.  Another problem has been nap time which was very early for her and she was becoming disruptive to the other kids trying to sleep.  So with the help of the director we put her with the next age group up the Two's which she missed the Birthday cut off from being in that class by 29 days.

Best week in Months!

Potty training was heading backwards and this week her pull up has stayed dry all day but today.  Today she wet it while napping but woke up right after to say she had to go potty.  In the younger class she was one of the only ones using the potty.  We are still having some trouble getting her to poop on the potty.  I am hoping hearing that her new peers are using the potty and even pooping on the potty we can wrap this potty training up.

She was less disruptive and with a later nap time she has been going right to sleep.  With her new class I am hoping that with all the new elements and her not being "Top Dog" her territory behavior with the toys will be a lot better.  It helps to have some friends in this new class that are also staff kids and are there all 5 days.  I know once she is comfortable she will have issues here and there which is expected at her age.

It has been really emotional for me.  I am sad she will not be right across the hall.  Through out the day I could look over and she would be standing waving at me or when her class would head outside she would always wave and say "Hi Mommy" as she walked by.  I know its a little silly as she is still only 20 feet away.  Also I want to make sure it's the best move for her.

The School got a visit from a bus driver this week!


A few weeks ago we took Zoë golfing.  She had a blast riding in the cart and even drove it some.  We tried to find some turtles but they were all hiding.  When we would get to the green she would putt her ball in.  We all had a great time!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am so embarrassed to talk about this because it truly makes me feel like a bad Mommy.

Zoë has been pushing at school and lately it seems to be getting worse.  This is not a new thing, when Olivia was hanging out with us Zoë would push her sometimes too.  I think it is mostly the reaction she gets from the other kid or the attention she gets from her teachers.   She is the oldest and one of the biggest kids in her class.  I have been discussing it with her each morning when we get out of the car.  I show her the 3 jelly beans she gets if she does not push and then we talk about how we should not push.  This worked for a week and I was so happy.  Now she just does not care if she get the jelly beans or not.  I have been thinking of upping the treat but I fear that is a slippery slide I don't want to get on.  Then I tried not talking about it thinking all the talking about pushing is only making her want to push more.  I have no idea what else to do, its rare I am with her that she behaves this way.

I know it is some to do with her age but I really want her to stop.

Self Portrait


Well we have been teased a few times lately with snow.  On Super Bowl Sunday we finally got enough to play in!

Zoë loved it.  I could not keep gloves on her hands so she would get a little cold.  She build a little snowman and then wanted to build a baby snowman.  She did it all on her own except I stacked them for her.  I have a photo of her and her snowman but for some reason I can not get it to load.