Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am so embarrassed to talk about this because it truly makes me feel like a bad Mommy.

Zoë has been pushing at school and lately it seems to be getting worse.  This is not a new thing, when Olivia was hanging out with us Zoë would push her sometimes too.  I think it is mostly the reaction she gets from the other kid or the attention she gets from her teachers.   She is the oldest and one of the biggest kids in her class.  I have been discussing it with her each morning when we get out of the car.  I show her the 3 jelly beans she gets if she does not push and then we talk about how we should not push.  This worked for a week and I was so happy.  Now she just does not care if she get the jelly beans or not.  I have been thinking of upping the treat but I fear that is a slippery slide I don't want to get on.  Then I tried not talking about it thinking all the talking about pushing is only making her want to push more.  I have no idea what else to do, its rare I am with her that she behaves this way.

I know it is some to do with her age but I really want her to stop.

Self Portrait


Well we have been teased a few times lately with snow.  On Super Bowl Sunday we finally got enough to play in!

Zoë loved it.  I could not keep gloves on her hands so she would get a little cold.  She build a little snowman and then wanted to build a baby snowman.  She did it all on her own except I stacked them for her.  I have a photo of her and her snowman but for some reason I can not get it to load.