Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our First Camping Trip

On Saturday May 19th we decided we would try Z out camping.  The girl loves the outdoors so we thought she would love it.  We drove about an hour to Nolin Lake State Park.  It is beautiful up there and it was pretty warm but not too hot.  Being the weekend before Memorial Day there were not to many other people camping.  We got a great spot overlooking the lake and it was completely shaded.  Zoë had a ton of fun walking around.  She got her suit on and played in the lake for a little while.  A group of geese with little baby geese came strolling though our camp site a few times and this was one of Zoë favorite parts.  She loves babies a lot right now.  Another favorite moment was when we went down to the marina and feed the fish.  She still a week later is asking for "Fishy's".  She had her first toasted marshmallows, we didn't do Smores as I forgot to put the chocolate in the cooler and it was melted.  Pine cones littered our camp site and Z loved them.  She collected most of them and put them in a hole at the bottom of a tree.  The tent was another great place for her to play, our tent has a doggy door with a tiny dog room which was a great hiding place.  The sunset right over the lake in front of us and Z learned to say sunset and watch her first one.  At Dusk we walked down to the lake and Daddy showed us how to skip rocks.  Zoë and I are not any good at this but had fun watching Daddy.  Bedtime went really well and it was so nice to sit next to the fire outside, it had been such a great day.

We all were fast asleep then at about 1:30 Z woke up screaming!  We had other campers close by and well even the ones not so close I am sure heard her.  I tried to calm her down by reading to her, rocking her, singing, even played some videos and games on my phone.  Nothing worked.  I took her for a walk to the bathroom which got her to stop crying but by that time we had decided to go home.  Derek broke down camp and we stuffed it all in the car and headed home.  I do not know for sure what happened but I think she just woke up kinda scared.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Kentucky Down Under!

Olivia and Karla treated Zoë and I to a day at Kentucky Down Under.  We had a Blast!  As soon as we arrived we were greeted my a beautiful male Peacock.  I got to feed birds from my hand.  Zoë got to pet an Emu and a Mama Kangaroo.  They had a lot of different kinds of birds, some that danced, some that laughed, and some that talked.  There was a cave tour that we cut short since Olivia and Zoë wanted to run free and touch the inside of the cave which is not only unsafe for them but damages the well preserved cave.  Also we watched a sheep dog herd some sheep, this was not very interesting to Zoë or Olivia but Karla and I thought it was pretty cool.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One year and one half

At 18 months old Zoë weights 24 lbs. and is 34 inches tall.  She loves to dance and her favorite song is "The Wheels on the Bus" but really all she wants me to say is:  "...and the seats go bump bump bump" all so she can jump up and down which she does when she wants me to sing it, and also while I am singing it.  Cheese is still her favorite food, but tomatoes are a close second.  If Daddy gives her anything that is automatically her favorite no matter what.  Birds are her favorite animals and she gets excited to look for them and point at them, she has come to realize it is pointless to try and catch them.  Currently she is cutting 4 more teeth, I think that will just leave a couple more teeth to go.  She is showing a lot of interest in both dress up and playing house.  When she is really mad and crying she starts to clap her hands which is kinda funny that she already knows how to get her aggression out.  Her list of words is very long and she does a good job to attempt to repeat any word I ask her too.  She is working on getting sentences together, the two word sentences she does do usually are in Yoda:  "Truck, Dada's".  Also at night she will ask for one more book about 100 times.  She does this by holding up one finger and says:  "One, one.  Book.  One.  More".  My dear daughter is also now obsessed with "Drive" which when she says she puts her hands up like she is driving a car.  Drive means she wants to get in the car and honk the horn a few times then crawl around the inside of the car.  My wild child is always full of energy and loves adventures.  She adores animals and wants to hug and kiss any she sees.  Zoë is strong and determined with lot of sweetness mixed in.  I do foresee some serious verbal scuffs in our future, as she is very clever in her actions already.


Sunday, May 6, 2012


It was so great to see my Brothers and Parents!  I also got meet my future sister-in-law Tabitha and see my niece SydNee who I have not seen in almost 5 years.  We spent most of the trip visiting and giggling with Zoë.  All of us got a good amount of swimming and eating in too.
Sharing a drink with SydNee
Zoë had a blast in the pool!  She got to swim with the big girls and acquired a few new suits while at Grandma's.  One morning Z and Grandma spent a while with their feet in the pool splashing and having a great time.

Jumping into the pool!
This is my favorite photo of the week!
After this week she now has a lot of swimsuits

Picking Grapefruit and Grape Tomato's always made Z very happy as that meant she got to eat them too.