Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our First Camping Trip

On Saturday May 19th we decided we would try Z out camping.  The girl loves the outdoors so we thought she would love it.  We drove about an hour to Nolin Lake State Park.  It is beautiful up there and it was pretty warm but not too hot.  Being the weekend before Memorial Day there were not to many other people camping.  We got a great spot overlooking the lake and it was completely shaded.  Zoë had a ton of fun walking around.  She got her suit on and played in the lake for a little while.  A group of geese with little baby geese came strolling though our camp site a few times and this was one of Zoë favorite parts.  She loves babies a lot right now.  Another favorite moment was when we went down to the marina and feed the fish.  She still a week later is asking for "Fishy's".  She had her first toasted marshmallows, we didn't do Smores as I forgot to put the chocolate in the cooler and it was melted.  Pine cones littered our camp site and Z loved them.  She collected most of them and put them in a hole at the bottom of a tree.  The tent was another great place for her to play, our tent has a doggy door with a tiny dog room which was a great hiding place.  The sunset right over the lake in front of us and Z learned to say sunset and watch her first one.  At Dusk we walked down to the lake and Daddy showed us how to skip rocks.  Zoë and I are not any good at this but had fun watching Daddy.  Bedtime went really well and it was so nice to sit next to the fire outside, it had been such a great day.

We all were fast asleep then at about 1:30 Z woke up screaming!  We had other campers close by and well even the ones not so close I am sure heard her.  I tried to calm her down by reading to her, rocking her, singing, even played some videos and games on my phone.  Nothing worked.  I took her for a walk to the bathroom which got her to stop crying but by that time we had decided to go home.  Derek broke down camp and we stuffed it all in the car and headed home.  I do not know for sure what happened but I think she just woke up kinda scared.



  1. Maybe she was cold? I get really, really cold when camping. I've been afraid of a similar thing happening so we haven't taken Scarlett camping overnight yet. I think we might try it in the back yard first.
    It's super cute that Zoe loves collecting pine cones and eating marshmallows, Scar loves those too. They will be fast friends.

  2. She maybe got cold I had kinda thought that too. We decided our next camping trip will be in the backyard as well. I think Scar and Z will get along great!
