Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bad Blogger

It has been a crazy summer to say the least.  Once school finished I had a week to get ready for our big trip to Oregon for 2 weeks.  We have been back in Kentucky for a month but it has been a busy month.  I have been working hard trying to get as much of Wyatt's (baby #2) room done before I have to go back to work in one week.  Also this month we have been hit hard with the lose of 3 people in our lives, which has really slowed both Derek and I down.  I will be returning to school this August too so it has been a lot of emails and paperwork to get everything together.  So my huge ToDo list for the summer has just a tiny dent in it.  So now that I am rolling into the Third Trimester of this pregnancy, going back to work, and taking an online class maybe just maybe I will get this blog up to date.

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