Thursday, March 29, 2012

17 months

This last month seem to take so long, I think it has to do with being home with Zoë everyday.  She is saying all kinds of new words each day.  Just about anything I ask her to repeat she gives it a try.  My new favorite is she says "Please" when she would like me to get or do something for her.  "Dude" and "Hey guys" she will just walk around saying.  When a Thunder storm came through a week ago, Z said "Dude" after some loud thunder.  Also in the middle of the day she came up and said "Basketball Please" it must be March Madness.

She has grown to really like wearing hats and goes in her room and digs through her hats to find the perfect one.  She still loves to wear skirts the more frills the better.  For some reason she walks backwards sometimes, it is very very funny.  When she backs onto the potty she starts about 5 feet away.  That reminds me, Z pee peed on the potty!  We have been talking about it for a while and I have been sitting her on it before bath each night.  When I would sit her on it she would only sit on it for a few seconds.  The other day it was just the same before bath, but then once in the bath she said she had to potty.  I put her on the potty and she sat there for about a minute and said "pee pee" Viola she had pee peed!  We cheered for her and then called grandma to tell her.

I thought of a new trick to help with brushing her teeth.  Most of the time to be able to brush Zoë's teeth we have to hold her tight while holding her hands.  On occasion letting her play with a toy or the toothpaste container would work.  So I let her brush my teeth while I brush hers.  This has worked perfectly for weeks now.

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