Sunday, November 11, 2012

Being Two

Zoë at two is a lot of fun.  She does a lot of pretending and is really understanding emotion.  She is a little obsessed with looking at pictures of herself and I am not sure if it is a bad or good thing.

Funny things she says:

Hippy Hooray is Hip Hip Hooray

Hippy pot mus is Hippopotamus

When she says Goodnight now she will also say Sweet Dreams

When she says Bye Bye she sometimes will say Nice to see you

Her favorite food is Broccoli and she also loves Cheese.  If she can dip a food it makes her very happy. Their are not to many foods she will not eat.  Sometimes she pretends something is yucky even though she really likes it.

Her current favorite books are: The Giving Tree and a Bad Case Of The Stripes

Blue is her favorite color but Pink is a close second.

Itsy Bitsy Spider is her favorite song and she can sing most of it.

She can say her ABC all the way to E and when she counts now she says: "2 1 2 1 4" instead of just a short time ago she would just say 2 over and over again.

She still really likes to hide and scare people.  She will be standing there not even hiding and just scream "BOO!"  O ya she loves to scream, which is not fun.  She is only allowed to scream outside and will stop when I remind her of it but man those times in the car when it comes out of nowhere is going to give me a heart attack one of these days.

Dinosaurs are really big for her.  She has probiotic that she takes everyday that is in the shape of a dinosaur.  When Granny was here for a visit she got Zoë a little rubber dino that Z cuddles with and she carry's it around in her purse.

She is constantly talking she says usually everything she is doing while she is doing it.

She really likes to talk about her friends, when we drive by her buddy Tripps house she says: "Tripp House!"  She pretend calls Gracie on her play phone.  And at bed time she talks about the kids in her class and we talk about who will be at class the next day.


  1. "She is constantly talking she says usually everything she is doing while she is doing it." So yeah, Scarlett does that too. STILL. It's like "I'm coloring this frog and now I'm drinking water and now the frog is drinking water and...." it only stops when she's sleeping. Thank God for naptime.

    1. Most of the time it is really funny and cute. The times when she finds something really fun to say and so she will just say it over and over and over again, those are the times I keep looking at the clock wondering if its nap time yet.
