It has been a crazy few months for us and I think we have only had 1 weekend in the last 3 months that we did not have an event or trip to go to or on. Which also means that during the week I usually have many errands to run or packing to do. So Potty Training has not gone so well and now Z who was off to a good start has now refused to sit on her potty. One plus on that subject is that she really hates her diapers now so I think with a little more work on it we will be headed back in the right direction.
Zoë has recently developed her first crush on our friend Phil. This morning she grabbed an old phone case of mine and pretended to make a call. I asked her "Who are you calling" she said "Phil". She also will ask for him randomly, which she also does with her other friends Olivia and Trip. Sometimes when Phil is over she will get upset when he leaves.
Now whenever we go on a walk she likes to race. Also when she sees a "pretty flower" or a "pretty leaf" or even a pretty piece of trash she inspects it by smelling and sitting on it. Our walks in her mind are to find birds and dogs to hug, but whenever someone walks up with a dog she freezes. She will also try and pull up weeds in the ally and I ask her to wait and weed until we get home.
She goes back and forth with referring to her self with "I" and "Wowie". If we are playing outside and she is jumping which is one of her favorite things to do she will sometimes say: "I Jump!" or other times "Wowie Jump!" another favorite is "Wowie do it" or "Mommy do it"
When I ask her how old she is she always says "Three"
A few of Zoë's favorite things
Food: Fruit and couscous, she took out half a watermelon in just two days. Also Popcorn is a new favorite.
Book: Any books about potty training, also we have a Dora book that is in Spanish and she just loves it. We read about 4-6 books before nap and about 10 at bedtime plus a few during the day, she just can not get enough of her books. It is funny now that she has favorites so at bedtime she picks a few out then I pick a few out and either way I will get a few pages in and she changes her mind.
Park: She has not wanted to slide at the park for the last few weeks and will only swing for a little while. Now she just wants to try and conquer the tire swing and this rolling pin thing or just explore the edges of the park.
Game: Hide and seek. She will hide behind a curtain (or really anything even just pull her shirt over her head) and say "Wowie". So I guess since she is an only child she has learned to play Hide and Seek on her own. Blu learned to play fetch by him self, he would sit at the top of the porch and drop a ball so it would bounce down then a few seconds later he would run after it. She also loves to hide in a closet and jump out and say "Boo" She also has been pretending she is scared of Blu and will say "Blu Crazy" and want to run and hide in her play tent and cover up with a blanket. This is really funny since our old dog pretty much just sleeps all day and is usually sleeping when she does this. It is not a real fear as she will hug and kiss him but it is so amazing how big of an imagination she already has.
My baby is growing up so fast it is amazing to watch. She wants to do most things on her own and has the cutest face ever when she is really concentrating on figuring something out. We have conversations now and they are always very funny. My favorite part of the day is on my way to bed I check in on her and she is so cute and amazingly funny and confident in her self it warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye I love her so much.
Playing with her friend Ellie at the fountain |
Checking out butterfly's at Lost River |
At the Nashville Zoo visiting her one of her favorite animals the Zebra |
All 34.5 inches of my daughter |
Making the neighbor's dog upset |