On Friday night we went to Concert in the Park downtown, where Zoë had a picnic date with her Boyfriend Tripp. It has been very hot here and we got lucky it was only in the low 90's. Zoë had a great time, her and Tripp played and danced.

On Saturday morning Zoë and I met up with Karla and little Olivia for a hike to the Butterfly Sanctuary. After that we headed to the pool. The girls had a fun swimming and playing. They mimicked and followed each other around.
Next it was off to Daisy's 5th birthday party. Everyone was so excited to see her that she just jumped from person to person. She loved all the attention. With all the small kids running around Zoë seemed to be studying what they were doing I think trying pick up tips on how to walk. A local Magician was doing a performance for the kids and it was pretty entertaining (Parent behavior).
We ended Saturday at a friends house and once again baby girl got to do some swimming, this time with Daddy.
Sunday we stayed mostly around the house getting it cleaned up and doing some much needed organizing. In the process of putting Zoë's large pile of no longer using items into Attic we found a Princess Tent left from the previous home owners. We saw it when we moved in and completely forgot about it. I did not get it cleaned up until after Zoë went to bed so I will have to wait until tomorrow to to see how she likes it.
Zoë has the biggest fear of the vacuum cleaner. I have to add that we have hardwood floors so it just makes it out to get the couches. I turned it on and I have never seen her so scared, I tried to show her that it was okay and well that did not go so well. Now when she even sees it she get upset, so Derek had to turn on music and play on the other side of the house so I could vacuum the couches.
Then it was of to my office so I could pull out all the extra furniture to make more room for Zoë to crawl around. I also had to do some climb proofing since she try's to climb any thing she can. I keep telling her she is not allowed to climb until she can walk but she does not care.
Next we pulled some giant cucumbers from our garden and walked them to our next door neighbors and then down to Boyfriend Tripp's house. The Cucumbers and Tomato's are growing like crazy.
Finally it was time to get down to some play time before dinner. I got to hear a good "Mama" with Zoë reaching for me! (Tear) At dinner she was doing really good with her sign for "more". Then in the bath it was the same splashing and sliding fun it always is.
Everyone cross your fingers she sleeps through the night tonight.