Ours friends Ben and Mandy watched Zoë for the day. This was the longest I have been with out her. I cried on the way to there house to drop her off. I was far more worried about being 2 hours away then the amount of time. After we left and got on the free way the boys were making me laugh so much I felt better. When we went to get her she got a big smile on her face and giggled and kicked her legs when she saw us. Mandy held her most of the day so Zoë had a great time. She is just like her Daddy loves the attention.
I had my first night out with the girls the next weekend and it was so nice to not talk about babies. My friend Karla and I rode together and her daughter is just 5 weeks older then Zoë and we made a packed to not talk about our kids. It was for Nicole's bachelorette party.
That next morning there was an easter egg hunt at the ball park. We went and tried to win a bike, and see the bunny's but Zoë really did not care about this at all.
The following weekend was Easter and we went out to breakfast and had a lazy day around the house. We did dress Zoë up and snap some photo's in her Easter outfit.
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