Friday, December 28, 2012


Zoë hand painted most our gifts this year and she had a blast doing it!

We traveled to Georgia for Christmas, it was delayed by a day due to a 24 hour stomach bug that Zoë and Derek had.  While in GA we got to visit a lot with Aunt Misha and Uncle Stephen and of course with Nana and Pop.  On Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Robins house and Zoë had a blast hanging out with her cousin Zeke.  He is 9 and was so sweet to her.  Zeke helped Z open her gifts from Aunt Robin and set them up, then he went to his room and found a lot of toys he did not want and gave them to her.  We left with a Santa size bag of toys!

That night we set out cookies and milk for Santa.  Next year we will be home for Christmas so we will make Santa some eggless cookies, dealing with a vomiting Z the days before we left I could not get my act together on making some.

Zoë had a hard time sleeping that night and finally settled in around 3 am so we had to wake her at 8 am.  She was so excited to see he had brought her Blue Candy!  She tore through her gifts and wanted to open more when they were all done.  She looked under the empty tree and said:  "Santa no bring no presents."

reading books to her Cailou doll, whose tucked into her new sleeping bag
We were all so tired Christmas Day and had to drive home, which was very sad.  Zoë slept pretty much the entire drive home and still went to bed at 8 pm about an hour after we got home and slept through the night until 7 am.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Sing along

We had our annual Christmas sing along at school.  I was a little sad I could not get good photos since I was trying to watch over a class of 3 year olds while Zoë was on stage.  Her class sang Jungle Bells while shaking bells, while  Z just stared out at the crowd like a deer in headlights.  They did have to wake her from her nap to get to the stage so she was pretty sleepy.  But she did not cry or try and run.

My class did really well and they were all so cute.  Ms. DeAnna had a major coughing fit while they were singing Joy to the World.


Time is flying by this December at the Robert's house hold.  Zoë is gaining more opinions each day and learning new words.  She loves to sing the ABC's and Itsy Bitsy Spider songs (only the first parts of each).  She has for some time really liked to count mostly to two, but when she sees two of something she will count them.  When we count together she will say the even numbers and I will say the odd numbers.  She has not counted to 10 all by herself yet but I think she is super close, we get to 5 together and she can finish to 9 most of the time and sometimes to 10.

She has been referring to herself as Zoë instead of Wowie, and also likes to name her dolls Zoë.  I am not sure if its her age but she loves to look at herself in the mirror.  When she gets dressed in the mornings she will say: "Look mirror".  She will dance in front of it, make faces, and check herself out.  Another thing she loves is looking at photos and videos of herself.  Not sure if I should be worried about it or not.

Zoë likes to use "It's everybody's" when she sees something she likes.  So if its everybody's then of course it is okay to play with it.

Z also likes to say: "What this about?" or "What is (fill in blank) doing?" and of course she still always says: "What the noise be?"

We have talked about how we are going to Nana and Pop's for Christmas and that Santa will bring her a gift.  I first asked her about it just before Thanksgiving and I ask what she would like for Christmas and she said "Candies" and I said "What kind of Candies would you like" and she replied "Blue Candies".  I have asked her many times and still the same response, with only "Red Candies" recently added.

Zoë learned to climb out of her crib on Thanksgiving day, so about a week later we decided to upgrade her to a big girl bed.  She has been doing awesome in her big girl bed!

She wanted me to take a photo of her in her big girl bed, pretending to sleep.

Holiday Outings

For those of you who have not been to our little town of Bowling Green KY it has a very adorable downtown square with a pretty park and giant fountain in the middle.  A lot of old southern towns have downtown squares.  The week after Thanksgiving each year they turn the Christmas lights on and have a party to celebrate it, followed by a parade the next morning.  So like we have every year we have been here we went.