Friday, November 11, 2011

The Big Party!

We had a little shindig at our home to celebrate Zoë's Birthday.  That morning she woke up knowing it was her special day as she was a big cheesy goof ball.  I was worried with all the commotion getting ready for the party I would not be able to get her down for a nap, but she went down easy and slept for almost 2 hours.  We got lots of help from all the grandparents.  Almost all her buddies were able to make it over on her big day.  She had a blast and when it came to cake time she put on a show for everyone, at present time she got really excited about each gift.  She fell right asleep that night and sleep all night.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

O my what a year that has gone by.

Well my baby cakes is now a year old and is learning faster then ever.  At her one year check up she measured 30 inches and 20 lbs.  She still does not have the confidence to walk on her own but has resortated to walking on her knees.  She still waves to everyone she see and loves to be outside.

Favorites things to do:
        -Look at books, have a book read to her, and also eat books.
        -Dancing and singing
        -Practice walking
        -Feed Blu her food from her highchair
        -Find leafs and then show them to everyone around
        -Go to the park and mimic the big kids
        -Give mommy kisses when she has food all over her face

I am amazed at how much she knows and understands now.  She knows her toys by name and will go get them when asked.  She loves music so some times she will clap her hands when she wants to hear Patty Cake or say "Ei Ei" when she wants to sign Old McDonald.  With how outgoing she is, it is making me have to be more outgoing too.